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Industrial design is central to my education and professional experience. The projects in this gallery represent a sample of the many types of products I've collaborated on. All of the projects I worked on were a team effort. Every project included an editor, graphic designer, and production coordinator. We all worked closely together and had input on each other's work in order to create a seamless connection between package, product and content.


Book of Sith

The Book of Sith was a follow up to the popular Jedi Path Amazon deluxe title. We worked with both Lucas Films and Amazon to develop this vault. The product is a book compiled by the future Darth Sidious that is hidden inside a Holocron shaped case. The package also contains a crystal, talismen and burial shroud which are contained within and under the book. I developed the Holocron case, crystal, talismen, shroud and packaging for this title.


The Stereobooks are a children's book series aimed at emersing the child in to a scene. We wanted to give the kids a full learning experience by providing both a detailed visual image accompanied by a stereo sound sequence. My responsibility on this project was the design of the sound module and it's relation to the book. I worked with another product designer who's focus was developing the custom sound scenes with the sound engineer. 

Snap Fashion Jewelry

This product is an activity kit to create personalized jewelry. It includes a snap maker and jewelry pieces that create an interchangeable jewelry system. This concept I owned from start to finish. I came up with the idea, pitched it to my peers and managers, designed the system and parts, created the inspiration projects for the book, sourced and managed the components and vendors, negotiated costs and project managed until approval to produce.

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